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  • BLACK CRANE part 2
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    Crime House - BLACK CRANE part 2

    Clip Description

    Custom Movie
    Dangerous Cruel Female Killer Has a new liquidation mission
    Clip consists:
    Pry how a woman-victim having a shower
    Sudden Attack From Behind
    Stabbing to the head with empty syringe
    Terrible fear and long horror death
    Death stare
    Much playing with nude dead wet body
    Much limp fetish
    Much foot fetish
    Son finds dead mother and panics
    The prelude: As the Black Crane sat on her hotel bed waiting for the envelope with the info of her newest target. She was enjoying some strawberries dipped in chocolate with her sharp knife while watching a gory horror flick. She hears a knock on the door and a white envelope with a black crane on it is slipped through underneath the door. Inside was the info of her newest target:
    Target Name: Maryanne Sevesto
    Age: 50
    Work Details: She is a lawyer
    Home address: 28 Falcon St.
    Coltanier City
    Family Status: She is a widow. A mother of one.
    Child Name: Timmy Sevesto
    Age: 22
    Orders: You were hired for this assignment because of your reputation in the underworld. The client wants this target to be taken out because she is a lawyer that is in the pocket of the Reaperaro mob family. They dont follow the city's laws. They bring in illegal drugs into the city. That is among many things that they are involved in. Maryanne helps them stay out of jail. Take your target out by any kill method you choose. Kill any witnesses if they are above the age of 18. Notify the "Tidy Up Service" to help tidy things up after you have taken out your target.

    The Black Crane looked over every detail about Maryanne. Maryanne was the first 50-year-old woman that the Black Crane had to take out. She was curious to see if that woman had sexy feet and legs even for her age.

    Maryanne was a sweet mom. However she was a shady lawyer. Bad karma caught up to her.The Black Crane learned that Maryanne liked to jog on her day off from work. She liked to jog in jogging tights and a pink shirt. It helped her still feel young and attractive. Even at her age. The Black Crane was only interested in what was below Maryanne’s vagina basically. She cared less about who she was.

    That fateful Sunday came. Around noon time the horror struck at her house. Her son Timmy was out doing some errands. Maryanne came in from her Sunday jog and went into her bathroom to take a quick shower. She stripped out of her clothes and turned on some classic music. She then gets into the shower and while she was in the shower. She decided to pleasure herself by sticking her fingers in her wet vagina. She thought about the men or women viewing her as she jogged. She felt comfortable with her elegant beauty. As she was in the shower, the Black Crane broke in quietly. She had on her black dress with black pantyhose and black heels. She got out of the shower and continued to listen to her classical music as she finished freshening up at the bathroom sink. When she spits out the mouthwash and put her head up, the Black Crane was behind her! She let out a loud scream and tried to run but didn’t get away. The Black Crane quickly grabbed her. Put her hand over her mouth to muffle out the screams. Tears dripped down her face. The Black Crane took out a syringe and stuck it into her right temple injecting the air into her eye socket. Maryanne’s screams ceased as she convulsed very briefly and then went limp. She let Maryanne’s body drop to the floor like she was nothing. The Black Crane dragged her body to her bed and dropped her face down onto the bed. She undressed and rubbed the soles of Maryanne’s dead feet. She flipped her over and rubbed up and down Maryanne’s legs and feet. She rubbed Maryanne’s dead feet on her pussy. Her dead and feet gave her an orgasm. She covered Maryanne’s body with a sheet and called the maid and left. Timmy came home from doing his errands. "The Tidy Up Service have already left. The Black Crane was long gone. When he walked into the kitchen he fainted from the horrible sight! His mother was sitting at the kitchen table. She was wearing just her white pantyhose. A tan pair of pantyhose wrapped around throat. "The Tidy Up Service made it look like she was strangled and left like that by an unknown strangler

    Clip Duration:      18 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4546.33 MB

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    Crime House - BLACK CRANE part 2

    Crime House - BLACK CRANE part 2

    Crime House - BLACK CRANE part 2

    Crime House - BLACK CRANE part 2

    Crime House - BLACK CRANE part 2

    Crime House - BLACK CRANE part 2
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